White Paper Nov 21, 2023 Smart offices to achieve work reform

What is a 'smart office' that uses the latest technology to create an office environment that is easy to work in, and that is recommended to those responsible for opening new offices or renovating offices in the future?

“Smart offices” that utilize the latest technology to create a comfortable working environment are attracting attention, whether it be to arrange workspaces and equipment in an optimal manner according to the flow of employees, or to identify people with sensors and automatically adjust air conditioning and lighting to the optimum temperature and brightness.

Smart offices not only aim to improve operational efficiency by creating a comfortable working environment for employees, but are also effective in securing excellent human resources by making them want to work in such an environment. For those in charge who are considering opening a new office or renovating their office, it is a kind of work style reform that they may want to actively work on.

However, it may be difficult to envision the specifics of a smart office. In this white paper, Professor Shinichi Tanabe, who has studied office construction for many years, talks with us and summarizes the key points for creating an office that is both comfortable and healthy. In addition, we will introduce how to think about office layouts as they relate to work at Japan and overseas sites, as well as IoT technologies and tools that promote ease of working. This is a must-read white paper for those who are aiming for work style reform from remaking the office.

Table of Contents

1.Smart offices for comfort and productivity
2. The growing smart office market
3. Employees picking the work environment
4. Aiming for offices adapted to hybrid work
5.Layouts where employees can naturally interact
6. Automatic adjustments to lighting and temperature

Smart offices for comfort and productivity

“Smart offices” that utilize the latest technology to create a comfortable working environment are attracting attention, whether it be to arrange workspaces and equipment in an optimal manner according to the flow of employees, or to identify people with sensors and automatically adjust air conditioning and lighting to the optimum temperature and brightness.

Smart offices not only aim to improve operational efficiency by creating a comfortable working environment for employees, but are also effective in securing excellent human resources by making them want to work in such an environment.

For those in charge who are considering opening a new office or renovating their office, it is a kind of work style reform that they may want to actively work on.

The impact has been particularly significant in the Asia-Pacific region, with more than 60% of respondents in Singapore and Australia saying in a survey(*1) conducted by NNA Inc. in April 2023 on Japanese expatriates (Figure 1) that their offices had implemented telework. The percentage was quite high compared to those of many other Asian countries, which were around 10 to 30%.

A global smart office-related business market size survey(*3) conducted by Global Information Co., Ltd., predicts the market will grow from the US $35 billion (approximately ¥5 trillion) of 2021 to US $73.8 billion (approximately ¥10.4 trillion) in 2027, at a CAGR of 13.14% between 2022 and 2027 (Fig. 2)

*1Results of survey of Japanese expatriates in  the Asia-Pacific region about their work schedules in April 2023 (Source: NNA POWER ASIA, Inc. article dated May 8, 2023)
*2Global Information Co., Ltd. forecasts that the global smart office market will grow from US $35 billion in 2021 to US $73.8 billion by 2027 (Source: Global Information Co., Ltd.)
*The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication.
*Products, service fees,service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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